You Have Purpose

A heart full of joy and happiness, a mind that is at peace, and a life of real purpose is closer than you think.

Released 2023
5 Episodes
38 minutes total playing time

A heart full of joy and happiness, a mind that is at peace, and a life of real purpose is closer than you think.

Released 2023
5 Episodes
38 minutes total playing time

Series One

Episode One:

What We All Want

7 mins

No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you think, or how you vote, we are all, deep down, very much the same.

Episode Two:

The Owner’s Manual

7 mins

We have all been given our own specific owner’s manual which dictates our design and intended function. 
Are you following yours?

Episode Three:

Our Intended Function

9 mins

If we aren’t doing what we were meant do, how can it come as a shock that our lives feel off-track, empty and incomplete?

Episode Four:


7 mins

The common instinctive actions from every ancient civilization point us towards the restoration that we all require.

Episode Five:

The Treasure

8 mins

There is a treasure waiting to be found. Not that is hidden, buried or hard to find, but a treasure that is meant to be found. A treasure that wants to be found…by you.

Episode One:

What We All Want

7 mins

No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you think, or how you vote, we are all, deep down, very much the same.

Episode Two:

The Owner’s Manual

7 mins

We have all been given our own specific owner’s manual which dictates our design and intended function. 
Are you following yours?

Episode Three:

Our Intended Function

9 mins

If we aren’t doing what we were meant do, how can it come as a shock that our lives feel off-track, empty and incomplete?

Episode Four:


7 mins

The common instinctive actions from every ancient civilization point us towards the restoration that we all require.

Episode Five:

The Treasure

8 mins

There is a treasure waiting to be found. Not that is hidden, buried or hard to find, but a treasure that is meant to be found. A treasure that wants to be found…by you.

What’s Next?

Whether you're looking for answers or ready to take the next steps, check out theses resources to help you on your journey of faith.
