You Have Purpose

Dr. William Rodgers

Published: 9/19/2023

As You Begin: Getting Started Reading the Bible

As You Begin: Getting Started Reading the Bible

The Bible, the unchanging and timeless word of God, stands as a cornerstone of human culture. Across millennia, its influence has shaped societies, forged histories, and illuminated the path for countless lives. With its pages brimming with an eclectic blend of stories, teachings, and poetry, it spans continents and traverses centuries. As we embark on this quest to unravel the core of the Bible, we’ll take a tour of its structure, themes, and the profound significance it carries. All that said – don’t be intimidated! The resources and videos below will help you get started and stay on track:


What is It?

The Bible isn’t a solitary narrative but a mosaic of books, encompassing 66 in Protestant versions and more in other traditions. These books are divided into two primary sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Within these sections, you’ll encounter a rich variety of genres, including history, poetry, prophecy, letters, and profound teachings.


What’s it About?

Watch this Bible Project video for a great overview of the Bible:


The Old Testament: Foundations and Revelations

The Old Testament takes us on a journey, unveiling the origins of the world, tracing the early tapestry of human existence, and painting the narrative of the Hebrew people. This section unfolds through several segments:

  • The Pentateuch (Torah): The first five books—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—serve as the bedrock, housing religious laws, cultural history, and the covenant forged between God and the Israelites.
  • Historical Books: This category brings to life the annals of Israel’s history, from their entry into the Promised Land to the epoch of Babylonian exile and triumphant return. You’ll discover compelling accounts in books like Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.
  • Wisdom and Poetry: Books such as Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes present poetic vistas of faith, wisdom, and reflections on the human condition.
  • Prophets: The words of prophets, messengers of divine revelation, illuminate the pages, addressing matters of morality, justice, and the unfolding future. Figures like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel feature prominently here.


Watch this Bible Project video for a great overview of the Old Testament:


The New Testament: A Life-Altering Message

The New Testament unfurls the profound narrative of Jesus Christ, encapsulating his life, teachings, crucifixion, and triumphant resurrection. This section comprises:

  • The Gospels: Through the lenses of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we delve into the life and teachings of Jesus, each Gospel offering a distinct perspective on his ministry.
  • Acts of the Apostles: Following Jesus’ ascension, this book traces the early Christian church, spotlighting the spread of Christianity and the endeavors of apostles like Peter and Paul.
  • Epistles (Letters): Crafted by apostolic hands, including those of Paul, Peter, and John, these letters tackle theological queries, ethical dilemmas, and guidance for leading a Christian life.
  • Revelation: As the final chapter, this book teems with apocalyptic visions and intricate symbolism, shedding light on the ultimate triumph of good over evil.


Watch this Bible Project video for a great overview of the New Testament:


The Bible transcends mere ink on parchment; rather, it is the living word of God.  And so as you plunge into its pages, maintain an open heart and mind, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through its pages and unearth its eternal wisdom and the profound messages that it has just for you. It’s been said that a worn out Bible can most often be found in the hands of someone who is living a life filled with joy, happiness, peace and purpose.